
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Traveler Vs. Tourist

I've spent some time lately thinking about this topic, and. I am relieved to find that I am more traveler than tourist. I don't like the idea of being herded around like sheep, being given a schedule I have to stick to. I love the idea of going on a road trip where there is no set destination or route. For someone who is easily distracted, this sounds like heaven.

Unfortunately, I can't afford to travel like I want to. Any money I save for this purpose ultimately ends up going toward something else. (With husband, 2 kids, dog, mortgage, car, etc, I suppose it's bound to happen, huh?) I would love to be one of those people who can travel with virtually no money, but I'm not. I'm just high maintenance enough that I need a hot shower every day, and a reliable meal 3 times a day.

I still can't help obsessing about it. I had a little spending money and spent it on travel size toiletries. I make packing lists constantly, often for hypothetical trips. I peruse travel memoirs, travel blogs, and atlases with gusto. Yup, I'm obsessed.

Next trip? Sadly it's merely a family reunion for my mother-in-law's family. Boring. Still, it's something.

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